Sunday, 2 June 2013

I realise I haven't posted in a while but I haven't had much time :/
Anyway, I have finally uploaded some items onto eBay to sell.
They are all good quality items and have been put on at low prices.
Please have a look at my account and see if you are interested in buying anything

Monday, 21 January 2013


Another thought that I've had is to sell some stuff on eBay...
It will be good quality stuff:
-either unworn / unused in very good condition or
-unwanted Christmas / birthday gifts
When I get round to putting the products on I will post
a link on here so that you can go have a look!
Watch this space! :)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Okay, so my next thought to get some money flowing in
is to do some babysitting...
Hopefully this will raise a bit more for me!
I'm still open to any other ideas, just let me know!
I'll keep you posted :)

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Easy Search

If you have registered for the easy fundraising site and are helping me with fundraising, there is one more way to help through the site.
They have set up a search engine called 'EasySearch' and every time you use the engine to search something, half a penny is donated to my cause (I know it doesn't sound much but it all adds up!)
It is powered by Yahoo! so it's not dodgy and it doesn't come up with bad results.
Setting it as your homepage when you launch the internet will encourage you to use it.
It doesn't take much to do this so if you could, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you! :)


Easy Fundraising
Also, another way that I am gaining donations is through a website called easy fundraising (
The website donates a percentage of online shopping costs to my cause (Camp Kenya), and it is very simple to use. I have asked my family to help by using it and anyone else who wishes to use it, I would greatly appreciate that.
It is very easy to set up:
You have to register and then click 'I want to support a good cause'
Then anytime you do any online shopping, you have to go through the website and search for the shop in the search bar, it will tell you the percentage of the donation and then click the link to take you to the web page.
It does NOT cost you anything extra to do this, the companies donate the money, it is not taken from you.
If anyone is willing to do this, it would be great
Thank you :)


Sorry for not posting in a while, it's been a busy time but I hope everyone's had a good Christmas and new year.
Just a general update...
I haven't done any more fundraising recently as I planned to go busking before Christmas but I was ill and therefore didn't go.
I have gone a bit blank for more fundraising ideas so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know!
Thanks! :)

Sunday, 2 December 2012

First Event - Part 2

First event - part 2 complete!

Last night I did another raffle, along with selling some small products and altogether made £64!

I am really pleased with how well the first event went.

A big thank you to Equinox Contemporary Silver once again for donating some lovely gifts to the raffle prize table.

Check out their website!